
Design Pharmaceuticals combines a unique multidisciplinary approach to GPCR drug discovery with deep expertise in bioinformatics, cell-based drug screening, microfluidics, synthetic biology and pharmaceuticals. We combine robust ultra-high-throughput bioscience technologies in a novel approach to dramatically accelerate GPCR drug discovery and exceed current industry capabilities. Together, the team aims to develop precise therapeutics for patients suffering from diseases for which there are no satisfactory therapies.

Fred Dom Chairman VIEW MORE
Dirk Löffert, Ph.D. Founder and CEO VIEW MORE
Dirk Löffert, Ph.D. Board member VIEW MORE
Maxence Desjonquères Head of Business Development VIEW MORE
Xinhao Ye, Ph.D. Senior Director R&D; Compound Development VIEW MORE
Guansheng Du, Ph.D. Senior Director R&D; Microfluidics and Data Management VIEW MORE
Alex Dajkovic, Ph.D. Senior Director R&D; and Commercial Collaborations VIEW MORE
John Hastewell Board Member VIEW MORE
Robert Nicol, Ph.D. Board Member VIEW MORE
Cosmas Giallourakis, MD VIEW MORE
Andrew Griffiths, Ph.D. VIEW MORE
Robert Nicol, Ph.D. VIEW MORE
Michael Jewett, Ph.D. VIEW MORE
Marnix Medema, Ph.D. VIEW MORE
Noah Palm, Ph.D. VIEW MORE
Dirk Loeffert, Ph.D. VIEW MORE
Tianhong Xu, MD, Ph.D Board Member VIEW MORE